

Poem 1: The Seeking Believer (1:1-8)

1. The Desire of the Bride is Fulfilled (1:1-4)

2. A Bruised Saint Seeking Rest from Jesus (1:5-8)


Poem 2: In the King’s Banqueting House (1:9–2:7)

3. Love’s Sweet Greeting

4. The Thoughts of the Bride

5. The Opinion of the King

6. The Opinion of the Bride (1:16-17)

7. Jesus Reveals Himself to His Bride (2:1-2)

8. Jesus, the Apple Tree (2:3)

9. Jesus, Lover of My Soul (2:4-7)


Poem 3: Summer in the Soul (2:8-17)

10. The King’s Invitation (2:8-13)

11. The King’s Invitation is Answered (2:14-17)


Poem 4: Looking for Jesus (3:1-5)

12. Seeking and Finding Christ (3:1-5)


Poem 5: The Marriage Journey (3:6–11)

13. Journeying Together to the City (3:6-11)


Poem 6: Summer in the Soul (4:1–5:1)

14. Christ’s Admiration of His People (4:1-7)

15. Jesus Is Enthralled by His People (4:8-11)

16. The Walled Garden (4:12–5:1)


Poem 7: Spiritual Recovery (5:2–8:4)

17. The Price of Refusal (5:2-8)

18. Love to an Unseen Christ (5:9-16)

19. Seeking Jesus Together (6:1-3)

20. The King’s Opinion of a Restored Backslider (6:4-10)

21. The Explanation of the King (6:11-13)

22. The King’s Appreciation of her Beauty (7:1-9)

23. The Restored Disciple’s Desire for Fellowship (7:9-13)

24. The Restored Disciple Wants More Fellowship (8:1-4)


Poem 8: After the Mountain Top (8:5-14)

25. Parting Can be Sweet (8:5-7)

26. Commitment (8:8-14)